The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Meter offers a rapid and accurate field test for determining the concentration of total dissolved solids in system and mains waters. The prime use for the TDS meter is to determine whether a system has been correctly flushed after a chemical clean. This is done by comparing the readings between mains water and system water samples.
1. Turn the test meter on with the ON/OFF button.
2. Remove the protection can and pull out the electrode. Adjust the length of the electrode as needed.
3. Rinse the electrode with clean water and wipe it dry. Immerse the electrode in the calibration solution (1413 µs/cm). Stir gently and wait until the display stabilises.
4. Adjust the reading to 141 (1410μs/cm) for conductivity or 94 (940 ppm) for TDS at 25°C by tuning the trimmer located at the right side of the meter with a screwdriver.
5. Rinse the electrode with clean water and wipe it dry. Dip the electrode into the sample solution to be measured. Stir gently and wait until a stable reading can be obtained.
6. Read the measure on the display. The reading should be multiplied by a factor of 10 for conductivity, or TDS.
7. After measurement, rinse the electrode with clean water and replace the protection cap.
Application with Chemical Cleaning:
For checking whether a system is flushed after a chemical clean, carry out steps 1 to 5 with both system water and mains water and compare the results. The system can be regarded as being thoroughly flushed if the readings are within 10% of each other. Differences above 20% mean that significant cleaner residues have been left in the system.
The TDS is virtually maintenance free. Change to a new battery when the power fails to turn on, or the display fades. Calibration is not necessary when taking comparative readings, but may be required for accurate concentration checks. For further details on calibration please contact Fernox Technical Services on +44 (0) 330 100 7750.