Solar Cleaner is a concentrated universal cleaner specifically designed for solar thermal systems, by removing degraded solar heat transfer fluids, sludge and blockages. This product rapidly restores efficiency to existing solar thermal systems.
Fernox Solar Cleaner is compatible for use with all materials commonly used in solar thermal installations.
Solar Cleaner is suitable for use within solar thermal installations that conform to BS EN 12976 and BS 5918. Drain the system of solar fluid from the lowest point on the system into a suitable container for disposal. Fernox Solar Cleaner is supplied as a concentrate and should be diluted with mains or demineralised water using one bottle for every 25 litres. Refill the system with cleaner solution and circulate for at least 30 minutes. Drain or pump the used cleaner to a suitable container for disposal. Refill the system with water and circulate for 5-10 minutes to remove residual cleaner from the system and dispose. After flushing, the pH of the mains water and the final flushing water should be the same. If the mains water pH is lower then repeat flushing procedure. When the flushing procedure is complete, ensure that all pipes are drained so no water remains in the circuit, before filling with Fernox Solar S1 fluid.
A concentrated aqueous solution of specifically formulated cleaners and inhibitors.
Appearance: Clear, colourless liquid
Odour: Slight
SG: 1.04
pH [conc] 7.3
Fernox Solar Cleaner is supplied as a concentrate in 500 ml bottles.
Fernox Solar Cleaner is classified as non-hazardous, but as with all chemicals, keep out of reach of children. Dispose of degraded thermal fluids and used cleaner solution according to local regulations.